Posts tagged UCP
CCVO’s Response to Freedom to Care Act Survey

In early June, the Government of Alberta released the Freedom to Care Act survey to gather input from the nonprofit sector. The Freedom to Care Act was first introduced in the United Conservative Party (UCP) 2019 election platform. In this blog post, CCVO discusses the Freedom to Care Act and provides our responses to the relevant Freedom to Care Act Survey questions below.

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CCVO’s Response to Freedom to Care Act Survey

In early June, the Government of Alberta released the Freedom to Care Act survey to gather input from the nonprofit sector. The Freedom to Care Act was first introduced in the United Conservative Party (UCP) 2019 election platform. In this blog post, CCVO discusses the Freedom to Care Act and provides our responses to the relevant Freedom to Care Act Survey questions below.

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Government of Alberta’s Public Inquiry into Environmental Groups

Last month, Premier Jason Kenney announced that the government will launch a public inquiry into the foreign funding sources of environmental groups who are critical of Alberta’s energy sector policies. Before that, Premier Kenney promised to establish an ‘Energy War Room’ to respond to campaigns directed at Alberta's oil and gas sector. Here is what we know and how we think it might impact the nonprofit sector, particularly organizations that hold charitable status designation through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

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Alberta Government Fiscal Update

The Alberta government provided a fiscal update yesterday, the first one from this government since assuming office a little more than four months ago. The update was given by Finance Minister, Travis Toews. Nonprofits, as many others, were likely looking to the update to provide some clarity and certainty after the many funding challenges that we’ve been hearing from nonprofits in the last few months, some of which have been reported in media.

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Provincial Spending Update

If your nonprofit has been following the news or social media, you’ve likely seen some rumours of looming provincial cuts starting to swirl. The new provincial government is expected to release a budget in late October and speculation as to what it will hold has already begun. We have heard in traditional media, on social media, and directly from some organizations, that they are experiencing a “funding freeze”, ranging across sectors and issues, and is likely related to the fact that there is only an interim supply budget currently in place. This blog post provides an update on provincial spending in the midst of the UCP’s transition period and prior to their budget being finalized in October.

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Alberta Legislative Round Up: 13 Bills Passed by the New Government

The first sitting of the new government began on May 22 with a Speech from the Throne and just concluded on July 4 with 13 bills passed relating to 55 of the UCP platform commitments. The House will not sit again until October when a budget is expected to be tabled. To give nonprofits an easy reference to all the legislation, this blog post provides a brief summary of each bill.

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